An Estonian company that guarantees quality and safety in beauty clinics in Istanbul

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about cosmetic procedures and surgeries. Stories where something has gone wrong reach our ears especially sharply. This has created a fear in many people of both plastic surgery and health tourism in general. Read how an Estonian company contributes to dispelling myths and fears.

Health tourism causes fear and anxiety in many

In recent years, health tourism has become an increasingly popular choice for many people who want to receive quality beauty services at an affordable price. However, health tourism still causes anxiety and fear in many people, because they immerse themselves in so-called ignorance. BodyMed is an Estonian company that takes care that your dreams come true safely and at an affordable price.

The biggest fear people have with foreign procedures is the unknown. In the context of our country, we know quite well which clinics to go to and which doctors to turn to, whether the procedure is cosmetic surgery or teeth whitening. Finding information about different service providers is quite easy and you don’t have to worry about getting something wrong. However, going abroad can seem a little more risky.

When going to a foreign country, there is always a concern about how to be sure that the chosen clinic offers really high-level service and treatment that is safe and effective. We know very well that not everything we see on the internet is to be believed, and we can contact foreign clinics mainly via the internet

What does the inspection company do?

This is where an Estonian company comes into play BodyMed. BodyMed is the only inspection company in Estonia that inspects beauty clinics in Istanbul. The role of the inspection company is to go to Turkey with recognized specialists to assess the level of different clinics, thus reducing the risk of health tourists.

At this point, it is important to note that these are not intermediaries who reap the benefits of their clients, but a company that has taken the safety and health of people at heart. The checking company does not ask customers for additional fees. They forward contacts and offers of verified clinics, but the price for the client is the same as if he contacted the clinic himself. As the name suggests, an inspection company is in the business of inspection and its purpose is the welfare of people.

BodyMed the service offered includes everything from checking the clinic’s operating permit and license to evaluating the qualifications and experience of employees. In addition, the quality of the clinic’s tools and equipment is also checked to ensure that they meet the standards. BodyMed does not approve or recommend any clinic whose services it does not use itself.

What does BodyMed do?

  • Checks the level and legitimacy of beauty and dental clinics in Turkey.
  • Supports and advises when choosing a clinic.
  • Helps to communicate with the clinic if necessary.
  • Does not take commissions from customers.
  • Stands for the well-being and safety of its customers.
  • Helps organize everything related to the trip, from flights and accommodation to transfers.
  • Offers 24/7 support.

Triinu's experience

“I went to a dental clinic in Turkey and I am very, very satisfied with the service. In addition to the first-class service and luxury there, visiting Turkey was also much friendlier to the wallet. When I asked for a price quote in Estonia, I received 30 euros in response, in Turkey I paid 000 euros for everything, including plane tickets.

BodyMed made the whole journey very comfortable for me  it was like a vacation trip that also made me look prettier. Their management team takes care of absolutely everything, you just have to be in the right place at the right time. I was met at the airport by a driver who drove me to the clinic and took me back to the airport at the end of the trip. Real luxury and super service awaited me at the clinic. The whole experience was unforgettable.”

Why Turkey?

BodyMed has directed its activities to clinics in Turkey, because this is a place where health tourism is very common and, thanks to it, also very developed. In Turkey, clinics are able to provide excellent service at an affordable price, which means that one’s dreams do not have to be held back by the size of the wallet.

Whether consciously or unconsciously, for some reason people often associate a higher price with a better service or product. This is true for many things, but certainly not for health tourism. When hearing about the five-fold difference in price, most of us probably think, “Therefore, a proper job was not done”. However, the reality is very far from that.

The reason why it is possible to offer a first-class service at an affordable price in Turkey is that it is a large country, where the market for beauty services is several times larger. Health tourism is a very popular and very well developed branch in Turkey. In addition, a huge amount of money is invested there, thanks to which cutting-edge technology can be used.


Start your beauty journey here

In order to start the journey to a more beautiful and confident self, contact BodyMed specialists:

Phone: + 372 54410004
