Worked with many different countries in his life, the last one was Singapore, where he created the Nordic Design House, which helped Nordic designers enter the Asian market. He was a TV host for over 10 years until he found his true passion for helping people get better mentally and physically by creating a new method called PILATRE®, which is internationally recognized by professionals.
His work with international companies doing business, sales and marketing strategy for them has taken him to different countries around the world and he has worked with several international brands such as KIA, Mothercare, Cadillac etc. He has also been a sales coach and mentor for many retail brands, starting with Nomination Italy, H&M, etc.
“Energy produces energy, you get what you give”
Tema töö rahvusvaheliste ettevõtetega, tehes äri -, müügi- ja turundusstrateegiat neile on viinud teda erinevatesse riikidesse üle maailma ning ta on töötanud mitmete rahvusvaheliste kaubamärkidega nagu KIA, Mothercare, Cadillac jpt. Samuti on ta olnud müügitreener ja mentor paljudele jaemüügi brändidele, alustades Nomination Italy, H&M jne.